Grappelly, a fresh admin interface for Django

I've working in a Django project for my office, I've spent several months on it. One of the requierements is define a role with admin privileges, and add some users to that role. This users(two at least) will have the control of the whole Django app.

When one of this users entered for the first time to the Django admin page, came to me dissapointed, and calling the default design of the admin with words like: ugly, make my eyes bleed, etc. I never complain about the default django admin desing, it is just enough to me, but as developer. When a common user face that page, with pale colors and far away to be sleek, obviously that user will reclaim something better.

Then, with my better smile and cursing inside my mind the entire family of that user, I sit down on my laptop, open a browser, go to GitHub and search a better skin for the admin interface. Here comes Grappelly. Grappelly fullfill all the requeriments of my users(notice I don't say that Grappelly is the best admin alternative) and finnally I adopted too. This admin interface follows the grid system, and I fall inlove with it, and is fully responsive, as bonus.

I personally recommend use this admin alternative, is case you have more than 1 user as root, or not, but makes my days brighters and my users stop bother me :-).

django admin
